H A L E Y G E F F E N ⚡ D I R E C T O R
HALEY GEFFEN is a six-time Emmy award-winning bi-coastal director and filmmaker with a focus on comedy and underrepresented voices. She is also a founder of Coed Studios based in Brooklyn, NY. Haley's most recent film F^¢k 'Em R!ght B@¢k (producer) premiered at Sundance last January. Hey Girl, which she directed, won 12 global awards including 2020’s Best Shorts Humanitarian Award. Her film Jolie premiered last October in New York City.
Haley’s infectious spirit and sharp funny bone make her a comic weapon of choice for Commercial clients including GEICO, Frito-Lay, and Crest, among others.
Recently Haley directed several short films for Pfizer, a Super Bowl spot, and the 2024 Los Angeles Lakers campaign. Her directing work has been featured multiple times in Free the Work, including this article on Motherhood and Directing and a University of Michigan profile that she’s abnormally proud of. Haley has two daughters and a husband. She keeps all of them in a small zoo in Los Angeles under the care of her dog Gizmo.
USA | Kris Walter, EP
t: 212 483 0040
UK | Laura Gregory, CEO
e: laura@greatguns.com
t: +44 (0) 7768 877 215
South Africa | Janette De Villiers, Founder/EP
e: janette@groundglass.co.za
t: +27 82 448 5858